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Equipment + Instrument PID example

The following schematic is an example of a main equipment (ATNK11100) where its tag is built related to its function and physical location.
The physical location is divided into Subgroup that belongs to a group and then a Zone.
The main equipment in that case is an Atmospheric Tank(ATNK) that is located in the Zone 1, Group 1 and Subgroup 1. So after the ATNK prefix, the following number of the group will be 111. The 2 following numbers are for sequential numbering and avoid having 2 same number of equipment within the same group. The tag will look like: ATNK11100 (ISA function Prefix, followed by 3 digits process group number + 2 sequential digits).
Each part or equipment or measuring instruments that are related physically or logically to the main equipment in a same Subgroup should keep the same group number : (111 in this case) to help understand relations between equipments.
The Zones should be physically separated into main plant sections and should follow the process flow from the start to the end of the line.
The Groups should be physically separated into specific functions in the process to help understant the action of the machine to the product.
The Subgroups should be physically separated into specific equipment for each main equipment. (Like ingredients, different bulk materials, etc.).
The electrical panels, safety disconnects and junction boxes should be named accordingly to this example.


Zone Grouping Example

The following table is a short example of zone grouping.


You can download the following template to customize and send back for importation to your SOPREMA project manager.

Download Grouping Template CSV


Equipment Prefixes

The following table contains all up-to-date equipment prefix to use in your nomenclature.
The Frequent column shows the most frequent prefix used into the majority of process (highlighted in GREEN) and the CustomSoprema column shows the prefix that has been created for the needs of Soprema and specific process.
An equipment is a part of machine that does a specific function in the process like: pumping, filtering, shredding, separating, etc.

+ Show all equipment prefix
Prefix Desc
ACTRActuator (In des.:- M:Electrical Motor, S:Solenoid, H:Hydraulic, A:Air Motor)
ATNKAtmospheric Tank
BINNBin Container (Storage solid or granular)
BLWRBlower (Fan)
BVLVButterfly Valve
CBRKCircuit Breaker
CPAKCompactor, Briquetter Machine, etc.
CSEPCyclone Separator
CTWRCooling Tower
CVLVCheck Valve
DTWRDistillation Tower
EHELElectrical Heating Element
EPCPElectrostatic Precipitator
FAXRForced Air Exchanger
FILTPressurized Air Filter (standard filter)
FNXRFinned Exchanger
FTNKFloating Roof Tank
GDOSGas Dosing System
GHDRGas Holder
HVLVHand Valve
IMIXInline Mixer
JVSLJacketed Vessel
KILNRotary Kiln
LABLLabeling Machine
LFLTLiquid Filter
MATRManual Actuator
Prefix Desc
MCTRManual Contactor (Power distribution switch)
MILLMill (Shredder, Defiberizer, etc.)
MOTRAC or DC Motor
MSEPMagnetic Separator
MXTKMixing tank
PACKPackaging machine
PALLPalletizing machine
PSEPPlastic Separator
PVSLPressure Storage Vessel
RECPReciprocating Compressor
RFDRRotary Feeder (Rotary valve)
RSEPRotary Separator
RSTDRoll Stand
RVLVRelief Valve
SCNVScrew Conveyor
SDRYSpray Dryer
SQUNSquaring unit
SSEPStatic separator
STATState Indicator (Circuit Closed, Circuit Open)
STUNSteam Tunnel
TACTThrottling Actuator (Diaphragm actuator)
VFLTVacuum Filter
VGFDVolumetric Granulate Feeder
VLV33-Way valve
VLVEValve (Globe, Gate, Ball, Needle,etc.)
WHPRWeigh Hopper
XCHGHeat Exchanger
XFMRElectrical Transformer


Instrument Prefixes

The following table contains all up-to-date instrument prefix to use in your nomenclature.
The Frequent column shows the most frequent prefix used into the majority of process (highlighted in GREEN) and the CustomSoprema column shows the prefix that has been created for the needs of Soprema and specific process.
An instrument is a device that measures a process variable.
It is attached physically to an equipment.

+ Afficher la table complète d'équipements
Prefix Desc
ACAnalysis Controller (Blind)
AEAnalysis Primary Elements
AIAnalysis Indicator (Readout)
AICAnalysis Indicator Controller
AITAnalysis Indicator Transmitter
APAnalysis TestPoint
ARAnalysis Recorder (Readout)
ARCAnalysis Recorder Controller
ARTAnalysis Recording Transmitter
ASHAnalysis Switch High
ASHLAnalysis Switch High/Low Comb
ASLAnalysis Switch Low
ATAnalysis Transmitter (Blind)
AVAnalysis Element
AWAnalysis Well Probe
AYAnalysis Solenoid Relay, Computing device
BCBurn/Comb. Controller (Blind)
BEBurn/Comb. Primary Elements
BGBurn/Comb. Glass (Viewing device)
BIBurn/Comb. Indicator (Readout)
BICBurn/Comb. Indicator Controller
BITBurn/Comb. Indicator Transmitter
BRBurn/Comb. Recorder (Readout)
BRCBurn/Comb. Recorder Controller
BRTBurn/Comb. Recording Transmitter
BSHBurn/Comb. Switch High
BSHLBurn/Comb. Switch High/Low Comb
BSLBurn/Comb. Switch Low
BTBurn/Comb. Transmitter (Blind)
BWBurn/Comb. Well Probe
BYBurn/Comb. Solenoid Relay, Computing device
BZBurn/Comb. Element
CUser's Choice
DUser's Choice
ECVoltage Controller (Blind)
EEVoltage Primary Elements
EIVoltage Indicator (Readout)
EICVoltage Indicator Controller
EITVoltage Indicator Transmitter
ERVoltage Recorder (Readout)
ERCVoltage Recorder Controller
ERTVoltage Recording Transmitter
ESHVoltage Switch High
ESHLVoltage Switch High/Low Comb
ESLVoltage Switch Low
ETVoltage Transmitter (Blind)
EYVoltage Solenoid Relay, Computing device
EZVoltage Element
FCFlow Rate Controller (Blind)
FCVFlow Rate Control Valve
FEFlow Rate Primary Elements
FFCFlow Ratio Controller (Blind)
FFEFlow Ratio Primary Elements
FFICFlow Ratio Indicator Controller
FFOFlow Ratio Indicator (Readout)
FFRFlow Ratio Recorder (Readout)
FFRCFlow Ratio Recorder Controller
FFSHFlow Ratio Switch High
FFSLFlow Ratio Switch Low
FFVFlow Ratio Element
FGFlow Rate Glass (Viewing device)
FIFlow Rate Indicator (Readout)
FICFlow Rate Indicator Controller
FICVFlow Rate Indicator Control Valve
FITFlow Rate Indicator Transmitter
FOFlow Rate Orifice
FPFlow Rate TestPoint
FQEFlow Quantity Primary Elements
FQIFlow Quantity Indicator (Readout)
FQICFlow Quantity Indicator Controller
FQITFlow Quantity Indicator Transmitter
FQRFlow Quantity Recorder (Readout)
FQRCFlow Quantity Recorder Controller
FQSHFlow Quantity Switch High
FQSLFlow Quantity Switch Low
FQTFlow Quantity Transmitter (Blind)
FQVFlow Quantity Element
FQYFlow Quantity Solenoid Relay, Computing device
FRFlow Rate Recorder (Readout)
FRCFlow Rate Recorder Controller
FRTFlow Rate Recording Transmitter
FSHFlow Rate Switch High
FSHLFlow Rate Switch High/Low Comb
FSLFlow Rate Switch Low
FTFlow Rate Transmitter (Blind)
FVFlow Rate Element
FYFlow Rate Solenoid Relay, Computing device
GUser's Choice
GITGas Indicator Transmitter
GMGround Monitoring
HCHand Controller (Blind)
HICHand Indicator Controller
HMSHand Momentary Switch
HVHand Element
IECurrent Primary Elements
IICurrent Indicator (Readout)
IICCurrent Indicator Controller
IITCurrent Indicator Transmitter
IRCurrent Recorder (Readout)
IRCCurrent Recorder Controller
IRTCurrent Recording Transmitter
ISHCurrent Switch High
ISHLCurrent Switch High/Low Comb
ISLCurrent Switch Low
ITCurrent Transmitter (Blind)
IYCurrent Solenoid Relay, Computing device
IZCurrent Element
JEPower Primary Elements
JIPower Indicator (Readout)
JICPower Indicator Controller
JITPower Indicator Transmitter
JRPower Recorder (Readout)
JRCPower Recorder Controller
JRTPower Recording Transmitter
JSHPower Switch High
JSHLPower Switch High/Low Comb
JSLPower Switch Low
JTPower Transmitter (Blind)
JYPower Solenoid Relay, Computing device
JZPower Element
KCTime Controller (Blind)
KETime Primary Elements
KITime Indicator (Readout)
KICTime Indicator Controller
KITTime Indicator Transmitter
KRTime Recorder (Readout)
KRCTime Recorder Controller
KRTTime Recording Transmitter
KSHTime Switch High
KSHLTime Switch High/Low Comb
KSLTime Switch Low
KTTime Transmitter (Blind)
KVTime Element
KYTime Solenoid Relay, Computing device
LCLevel Controller (Blind)
LCVLevel Control Valve
LELevel Primary Elements
LGLevel Glass (Viewing device)
LILevel Indicator (Readout)
LICLevel Indicator Controller
LITLevel Indicator Transmitter
LLHPilot Light
LRLevel Recorder (Readout)
LRCLevel Recorder Controller
LRTLevel Recording Transmitter
LSHLevel Switch High
LSHLLevel Switch High/Low Comb
LSLLevel Switch Low
LTLevel Transmitter (Blind)
LVLevel Element
LWLevel Well Probe
LYLevel Solenoid Relay, Computing device
MUser's Choice
NUser's Choice
OUser's Choice
PCPressure/Vacuum Controller (Blind)
PCVPressure/Vacuum Control Valve
PDCPressure/Diff. Controller (Blind)
PDCVPressure/Diff. Control Valve
PDEPressure/Diff. Primary Elements
PDIPressure/Diff. Indicator (Readout)
PDICPressure/Diff. Indicator Controller
PDITPressure/Diff. Indicator Transmitter
PDPPressure/Diff. TestPoint
PDRPressure/Diff. Recorder (Readout)
PDRCPressure/Diff. Recorder Controller
PDRTPressure/Diff. Recording Transmitter
PDSHPressure/Diff. Switch High
PDSHLPressure/Diff. Switch High/Low Comb
PDSLPressure/Diff. Switch Low
PDTPressure/Diff. Transmitter (Blind)
PDVPressure/Diff. Element
PDYPressure/Diff. Solenoid Relay, Computing device
PEPressure/Vacuum Primary Elements
Prefix Desc
PIPressure/Vacuum Indicator (Readout)
PICPressure/Vacuum Indicator Controller
PITPressure/Vacuum Indicator Transmitter
PPPressure/Vacuum TestPoint
PRPressure/Vacuum Recorder (Readout)
PRCPressure/Vacuum Recorder Controller
PRTPressure/Vacuum Recording Transmitter
PSEPressure/Vacuum Safety Device
PSHPressure/Vacuum Switch High
PSHLPressure/Vacuum Switch High/Low Comb
PSLPressure/Vacuum Switch Low
PSVPressure/Vacuum Safety Device
PTPressure/Vacuum Transmitter (Blind)
PVPressure/Vacuum Element
PYPressure/Vacuum Solenoid Relay, Computing device
QEQuantity Primary Elements
QIQuantity Indicator (Readout)
QICQuantity Indicator Controller
QITQuantity Indicator Transmitter
QRQuantity Recorder (Readout)
QRCQuantity Recorder Controller
QRTQuantity Recording Transmitter
QSHQuantity Switch High
QSHLQuantity Switch High/Low Comb
QSLQuantity Switch Low
QTQuantity Transmitter (Blind)
QVQuantity Element
QYQuantity Solenoid Relay, Computing device
RERadiation Primary Elements
RIRadiation Indicator (Readout)
RICRadiation Indicator Controller
RITRadiation Indicator Transmitter
RRRadiation Recorder (Readout)
RRCRadiation Recorder Controller
RRTRadiation Recording Transmitter
RSHRadiation Switch High
RSHLRadiation Switch High/Low Comb
RSLRadiation Switch Low
RTRadiation Transmitter (Blind)
RWRadiation Well Probe
RYRadiation Solenoid Relay, Computing device
RZRadiation Element
SCSpeed/Frequency Controller (Blind) NOT A VFD!)
SCVSpeed/Frequency Control Valve
SESpeed/Frequency Primary Elements
SGSight GlassLiquid Presence Visual Indicator
SISpeed/Frequency Indicator (Readout)
SICSpeed/Frequency Indicator Controller
SITSpeed/Frequency Indicator Transmitter
SRSpeed/Frequency Recorder (Readout)
SRCSpeed/Frequency Recorder Controller
SRTSpeed/Frequency Recording Transmitter
SSHSpeed/Frequency Switch High
SSHLSpeed/Frequency Switch High/Low Comb
SSLSpeed/Frequency Switch Low
STSpeed/Frequency Transmitter (Blind)
SVSpeed/Frequency Element
SYSpeed/Frequency Solenoid Relay, Computing device
TCTemperature Controller (Blind)
TCVTemperature Control Valve
TDCTemperature/Diff. Controller (Blind)
TDCVTemperature/Diff. Control Valve
TDITemperature/Diff. Indicator (Readout)
TDICTemperature/Diff. Indicator Controller
TDITTemperature/Diff. Indicator Transmitter
TDRTemperature/Diff. Recorder (Readout)
TDRCTemperature/Diff. Recorder Controller
TDRTTemperature/Diff. Recording Transmitter
TDSHTemperature/Diff. Switch High
TDSLTemperature/Diff. Switch Low
TDTTemperature/Diff. Transmitter (Blind)
TDVTemperature/Diff. Element
TDYTemperature/Diff. Solenoid Relay, Computing device
TETemperature Primary Elements
TITemperature Indicator (Readout)
TICTemperature Indicator Controller
TITTemperature Indicator Transmitter
TPTemperature TestPoint
TRTemperature Recorder (Readout)
TRCTemperature Recorder Controller
TRTTemperature Recording Transmitter
TSETemperature Safety Device
TSHTemperature Switch High
TSHLTemperature Switch High/Low Comb
TSLTemperature Switch Low
TTTemperature Transmitter (Blind)
TVTemperature Element
TWTemperature Well Probe
TYTemperature Solenoid Relay, Computing device
UIMultivariable Indicator (Readout)
URMultivariable Recorder (Readout)
UVMultivariable Element
UYMultivariable Solenoid Relay, Computing device
VEVibration Machinery Analysis Primary Elements
VIVibration Machinery Analysis Indicator (Readout)
VITVibration Machinery Analysis Indicator Transmitter
VRVibration Machinery Analysis Recorder (Readout)
VRTVibration Machinery Analysis Recording Transmitter
VSHVibration Machinery Analysis Switch High
VSHLVibration Machinery Analysis Switch High/Low Comb
VSLVibration Machinery Analysis Switch Low
VTVibration Machinery Analysis Transmitter (Blind)
VYVibration Machinery Analysis Solenoid Relay, Computing device
VZVibration Machinery Analysis Element
WCWeight/Force Controller (Blind)
WCVWeight/Force Control Valve
WDCWeight/Force/Diff. Controller (Blind)
WDCVWeight/Force/Diff. Control Valve
WDEWeight/Force/Diff. Primary Elements
WDIWeight/Force/Diff. Indicator (Readout)
WDICWeight/Force/Diff. Indicator Controller
WDITWeight/Force/Diff. Indicator Transmitter
WDRWeight/Force/Diff. Recorder (Readout)
WDRCWeight/Force/Diff. Recorder Controller
WDRTWeight/Force/Diff. Recording Transmitter
WDSHWeight/Force/Diff. Switch High
WDSLWeight/Force/Diff. Switch Low
WDTWeight/Force/Diff. Transmitter (Blind)
WDYWeight/Force/Diff. Solenoid Relay, Computing device
WDZWeight/Force/Diff. Element
WEWeight/Force Primary Elements
WIWeight/Force Indicator (Readout)
WICWeight/Force Indicator Controller
WITWeight/Force Indicator Transmitter
WRWeight/Force Recorder (Readout)
WRCWeight/Force Recorder Controller
WRTWeight/Force Recording Transmitter
WSHWeight/Force Switch High
WSHLWeight/Force Switch High/Low Comb
WSLWeight/Force Switch Low
WTWeight/Force Transmitter (Blind)
WYWeight/Force Solenoid Relay, Computing device
WZWeight/Force Element
YCEvent State Presence Controller (Blind)
YEEvent State Presence Primary Elements
YIEvent State Presence Indicator (Readout)
YREvent State Presence Recorder (Readout)
YSHEvent State Presence Switch High
YSLEvent State Presence Switch Low
YTEvent State Presence Transmitter (Blind)
YYEvent State Presence Solenoid, Relay, Computing device
YZEvent State Presence Element
ZCPosition/Dimension Controller (Blind)
ZCVPosition/Dimension Control Valve
ZDCGaug/Deviation Controller (Blind)
ZDCVGaug/Deviation Control Valve
ZDEGaug/Deviation Primary Elements
ZDIGaug/Deviation Indicator (Readout)
ZDICGaug/Deviation Indicator Controller
ZDITGaug/Deviation Indicator Transmitter
ZDRGaug/Deviation Recorder (Readout)
ZDRCGaug/Deviation Recorder Controller
ZDRTGaug/Deviation Recording Transmitter
ZDSHGaug/Deviation Switch High
ZDSLGaug/Deviation Switch Low
ZDTGaug/Deviation Transmitter (Blind)
ZDVGaug/Deviation Element
ZDYGaug/Deviation Solenoid Relay, Computing device
ZEPosition/Dimension Primary Elements
ZIPosition/Dimension Indicator (Readout)
ZICPosition/Dimension Indicator Controller
ZITPosition/Dimension Indicator Transmitter
ZRPosition/Dimension Recorder (Readout)
ZRCPosition/Dimension Recorder Controller
ZRTPosition/Dimension Recording Transmitter
ZSCPosition/Dimension Switch Closed
ZSHPosition/Dimension Switch High
ZSHLPosition/Dimension Switch High/Low Comb
ZSLPosition/Dimension Switch Low
ZSOPosition/Dimension Switch Open
ZSZPosition/Dimension Switch Zero (Homing)
ZTPosition/Dimension Transmitter (Blind)
ZVPosition/Dimension Element
ZYPosition/Dimension Solenoid Relay, Computing device