Main Page... XPS-Woodstock Polyiso-Tillsonburg Cellulose-St-Julie Bitumen Liquid PARIS-PLANT

This tool gives unique tags ID for each equipments and instruments.
If you need to upload a list of tags, please send your Excel table to slevesque@soprema.ca

XPS - Equipment Creation tool


Existing Equipments Table

EquID EquDesc
ACTR02111Dust collector #1, Dampers 1 close
ACTR02112Dust collector #1, Dampers 2 close
ACTR02121Dust collector #2, Dampers 1 close
ACTR02122Dust collector #2, Dampers 2 close
ACTR02131Dust collector #3, Dampers 1 close
ACTR02132Dust collector #3, Dampers 2 close
ACTR02141Dust collector #4, Dampers 1 close
ACTR02142Dust collector #4, Dampers 2 close
ACTR02151Dust collector #5, Dampers 1 close
ACTR02152Dust collector #5, Dampers 2 close
BLWR02001Dust collector blower #1 disconnect ON
BLWR02002Shredder blower disconnect ON
BLWR02003Dust collector blower #2 disconnect ON
BLWR02301Silo PS#1-3 blower
BLWR22401CO2 Extraction fan #1 running
BLWR22402CO2 Extraction fan #2 running
CTWR22031Gaz cooling skid running
ESTOP02001Emergency stop Front control panel
ESTOP02002Emergency stop Front control panel
ESTOP22001HMI panel Emergency stop (ChA)
ESTOP22002Control Room Emergency Stop (ChA)
ESTOP22003Outdoor Emergency stop (ChA)
ESTOP22101Emergency stop isobutane unloading truck (Ch1)
ESTOP22201Emergency stop HFO unloading truck (Ch1)
ESTOP22301Emergency stop Ethanol unloading truck (Ch1)
MOTR02111Dust collector #1, Shaker running
MOTR02121Dust collector #2, Shaker running
MOTR02131Dust collector #3, Shaker running
MOTR02141Dust collector #4, Shaker running
MOTR02151Dust collector #5, Shaker running
PUMP22101Isobutane transfer pump 1 disconnect ON
PUMP22102Isobutane transfer pump 2 disconnect ON
PUMP22201HFO transfer pump 1 disconnect ON
PUMP22202HFO transfer pump 2
PUMP22301Ethanol transfer pump 1 Running
PUMP22302Ethanol transfer pump 2 Running
PUMP30101Extruder cooling pump 1
PUMP30102Extruder cooling pump 2
PUMP30103Running - Extruder cooling pump 3
PUMP30104Running - Filtration station pump for water based TCU
PUMP30105Running - CWS pump for water based TCU
RFDR02021Dust Coll. Entry Cyclone Rotary valve Motor
RFDR02031Dust Coll. Exit Cyclone Rotary valve Motor
RFDR02041Shred. Cyc. Sep. Rotary valve Motor
RFDR02112Dust collector #1, rotary valve running
EquID EquDesc
RFDR02122Dust collector #2, rotary valve running
RFDR02132Dust collector #3, rotary valve running
RFDR02142Dust collector #4, rotary valve running
RFDR02152Dust collector #5, rotary valve running
RFDR02311Agglo. Rotary valve running
SCNV02031Dust coll. Line Disch. Screw (Futur)
SCNV02032Dust coll. Line Disch. Screw Disconnect ON
SCNV02041Shredder Line Disch. Screw (Futur)
SCNV02042Shredder Line Disch. Screw Disconnect ON
SCNV02201Disch. screw conveyor #1 Running
SCNV02202Disch. screw conveyor #2 Running
VLVE02001Pre-cut suction Gate valve close
VLVE02002Longitudinal squarer suction Gate valve close
VLVE02003Grooving and edging suction Gate valve Close
VLVE02004End-trim #1 suction Gate valve close
VLVE02005End-trim #2 suction Gate valve close
VLVE02006Thermobonding #1 suction - Gate valve - Close
VLVE02007Thermobonding #2 suction - Gate valve - Close
VLVE13111Isobutane Storage security valve 1 opened
VLVE13112Isobutane Storage security valve 2 opened
VLVE13113Isobutane Storage security valve 3 opened
VLVE13114Isobutane Storage security valve 4 opened
VLVE13115Isobutane Storage security valve 5 opened
VLVE13211HFO Storage security valve 1 opened
VLVE13212HFO Storage security valve 2 opened
VLVE13213HFO Storage security valve 3 opened
VLVE13214HFO Storage security valve 4 opened
VLVE13215HFO Storage security valve 5 opened
VLVE22010Zone 4 securized air supply opened
VLVE22106fluid transfer line from reception to tank opened
VLVE22107return vapour line from tank to reception opened
VLVE22108Isobutane actuator valve return from Lewa skid opened
VLVE22109Isobutane actuator valve supply to Lewa skid opened
VLVE22110Zone 1 securized air supply opened
VLVE22206HFO fluid transfer line reception to tank opened
VLVE22207return vapour line from tank to reception opened
VLVE22208HFO1234ZE actuator valve return from Lewa opened
VLVE22209HFO1234ZE actuator valve supply to Lewa opened
VLVE22210Zone 2 securized air supply opened
VLVE22301fluid transfer line from reception to tank opened
VLVE22302fluid transfer line from tank to pumps opened
VLVE22303Ethanol tank supply to Lewa skid opened
VLVE22304Ethanol tank return from Lewa skid opened
VLVE22310Zone 3 securized air supply opened

Instruments / Components - Creation tool

Tag example: LIT01001(Physically attached to the ATNK01001)

Existing Instruments Table

InstID InstDesc
FSL22401Flow switch Low CO2 extraction fan #1
FSL22402Flow switch Low CO2 extraction fan #2
GIT22101Iso/Eth Gaz, isobutane truck unloading
GIT22102Iso/Eth Gaz, Dosing room
GIT22103Iso/Eth Gaz, isobutane pumps
GIT22202HFO Gaz, Dosing room
GIT22301Ethanol Gaz, Ethanol truck unloading
GIT22303Ethanol Gaz, Ethanol stockage/pumps/Dig
GIT22401CO2 Gaz, Dosing room
GM22101Isobutane Truck unloding Ground detector
GM22301Ethanol Truck unloding Ground detector
HS02004Control room Reset button
HS02005Outside Reset button
HS22001Reset button - HMI panel
HS22101Isobutane truck unloading Estop Reset
HS22201HFO truck unloading Estop Reset
HS22301Ethanol truck unloading Estop Reset
JZ22101Power to Isobutane Truck (480Vac/30A) ON
JZ22201Power to HFO Truck (480Vac/30A) ON
JZ22301Power to Ethanol Truck (480Vac/30A) ON
LIT12101Level Silo PS1
LIT12201Level Silo PS2
LIT12301Level Silo PS3
LIT13111Isobutane Tank volume
LIT13112Isobutane Tank Level (on top of the tank)
LIT13211HFO Tank volume
LIT13212HFO Tank Level (on top of the tank)
LIT13311Ethanol Tank Level
LIT22401CO2 Level - Low pressure
LIT22402CO2 Level - High pressure
LSH00000Traxpo cooling - High level alarm - Glycol make up
LSH02021Int. Dust Coll. Cyc. Sep. High level
LSH02031Out. Dust Coll. Cyc Sep. High level
LSH02041Shred. Cyc. Sep. High level
LSH02111Dust collector #1, High level
LSH02121Dust collector #2, High level
LSH02131Dust collector #3, High level
LSH02141Dust collector #4, High level
LSH02151Dust collector #5, High level
LSH02201Flake storage silo - High level
LSH12101LSH Silo PS1
LSH12201LSH Silo PS2
LSH12301LSH Silo PS3
LSH13111Isobutane Tank high level
LSH13211HFO tank high level
LSH13311Ethanol Tank high level
InstID InstDesc
LSH30101Extruder cooling - High level alarm - Glycol make up
LSL02201Flake storage silo - Low level
LSL12101LSL Silo PS1
LSL12201LSL Silo PS2
LSL12301LSL Silo PS3
LSL13311Ethanol Tank low level
LSM02201Flake storage silo - Mid level
MCR02010General Emergency loop
MCR22001MCR (Transfer pump)
MCR22002MCR (Truck unloading stations)
MCR30101MCR (Cooling)
PDIT02001Differential pressure transmitter to maintain constant flow
PIT22401CO2 pressure - Low pressure
PIT22402CO2 pressure - High pressure
PIT22821Cooling water pressure
PIT30101Extruder cooling loop feed pressure
PSL21001Supply pressure Isolation valves storage tank
TIT30101Extruder cooling loop feed temprature
TIT30102Extruder cooling loop return temprature
TSH02111Dust collector #1, High temperature
TSH02121Dust collector #2, High temperature
TSH02131Dust collector #3, High temperature
TSH02141Dust collector #4, High temperature
TSH02151Dust collector #5, High temperature
TSH12101TSH silo PS1
TSH12201TSH silo PS2
TSH12301TSH silo PS3
TT22812Hot Water
TT22821Cold Water
YL02001Tower red light
YL02002Tower yellow light
YL02003Tower green light
YL22001Tower yellow light
YL22002Tower green light
YL22003Tower red light
YL22005Gas leak alarm (Beacon & horn) - Isobutane storage
YL22006Gas leak alarm (Beacon & horn) - Ethanol storage
YL22007Gas leak alarm (Beacon & horn) - Dosing room
YY02000Zone 1-4, Controller default
YY02001Zone 1, spark detector
YY02002Zone 2, spark detector
YY02003Zone 3, spark detector
YY02004Zone 4, spark detector
ZA22001Fire alarm

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